

The World’s Best Fairy Tales

The World’s Best Fairy Tales is a collection of classic stories by Hans Christian Anderson, The Grimm Brothers, and many others. There are inumerate folktales and ancient folklores. It has stories old and (relatively) new, each so different and mystical. It includes magic, talking creatures and unbelieveable circumstances. Some are well-known stories but for the most part, are completely new for many. In the collection, stories such as the Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, and Cinderella are completely different from those of Disney movies. These are the original folktale stories before they became popularized. These are a few stories that were first-timers for me: It’s Perfectly True, The Snow Queen, Six Sillies, The Princess on the Glass Hill, The Boy Who Kept a Secret, Jorinda and Joringel, and so many more.

One of my favorites is The Boy Who Kept a Secret. It is about a boy who has a wonderful dream, but can’t tell it to anyone until it comes true. This boy is tested many times throughout his lifetime but manages to keep his secret. He encounters many kings who try use their daughters to coax him to give up his secret with their outstanding beauty. At one point in this tale the boy is imprisoned in a tower without food or drink. He redeems himself by assisting the king when on the brink of war and eventually becomes king of Hungary. The boy’s dream of becoming king comes true and he explains why he could not tell his dream or else risk losing his dream forever. This is one of many treasures that can be found in the 69-story collection.


The World’s Best Fairy Tales, A Reader’s Digest Anthology. Edited by Belle Becker Sideman.

These fables are good for 3rd to 6th graders intrigued by ancient folklores and stories of mystery.

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