

Amy Griffin and the Magical World Chapter 1: A Mixed Up Day

Amy Griffin and the Magical World Chapter 1: A Mixed Up Day
By Mackenzie Amyx

It was twelve midnight.

Tiny droplets of rain beat furiously against the window. The biting wind howled through the moonless night, whipping trees back and forth and creating ominous sounds as it blended with the rhythmical pattering of the rain. Amy shivered. She was grateful for the itchy, but thick quilt that was thrown about her figure. Her great grandmother had knitted it.

She laid in bed trying to process her thoughts about her interactions with Maggie. Something felt off. And it wasn’t just Maggie. That day Amy’s best friend had avoided her all day; ditching her at lunch and scowling at her when they were forced to sit together on the crowded bus on the way home.

“Why are you so annoying Amy?” She questioned scornfully, “Why don’t you find someone else to worship?”
Angry and hurt, Amy was puzzled by Maggie’s aberrant behavior. She wasn’t acting like herself. Maggie would never say such a thing. It was all very confusing.

She noticed that Maggie wasn’t the only person that was behaving oddly. All her teachers- Mrs. Uldlaedi, Mr. Doohicky, Mrs. Soopermeen, Mr. Mustashi, and Chris the grocer, Timothy the mailman, and everyone else were acting weird.

That morning students were seated in their classrooms but the teachers were missing in action. They waited twenty minutes, throwing spitballs and engaging in playful banter. A girl named Nadia remarked with a smirk, “Hey, maybe Mrs. Uldlaedi finally went to heaven. She looks ancient.” Amy defended her favorite teacher, “Guys, she’s not really that old. She’s only 23. And, if you get to know her she’s actually really nice.” Nadia exclaimed, “Seriously, only 23? She looks like a shriveled up prune!”

Finally some students got up to look for their missing teachers.

They were discovered in the teacher’s lounge, ignoring their duty, having an all out coffee fight. Teachers were squatting behind couch fortifications on both sides and throwing hot coffee from across the room. The teachers’ crisp dress shirts and white blouses were spotted and dripping with splotches of fresh coffee.

Randomly, kids at school were fighting. The cheerleaders were pulling each other’s hair. The athletes were stealing the ball from their own teammates. The nerds refused to study for next month’s science exam. It was all confusing.

All over, things were a chaos! But strangely no one else really seemed to notice. Things were bad enough already and now the whole world seemed to be turning upside down.

Tune in for the next chapter!
Keep reading.
– Mackenzie

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