
climate change

Trump Leaves the Paris Climate Accord

On June 1st, President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. will leave the Paris Climate Accord.

The Paris Climate Agreement is an accord between 195 countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. joins Syria and Nicaragua as the only three countries in the world not to sign and participate in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Climate change is a real issue affecting mankind and our planet. Global leaders recognize that it requires a unified approach to combating global warming. The Paris Agreement is a first step to reversing the drastic effects of climate change from human activities. The accord is voluntary. Countries propose their own plans to reduce greenhouse gases over a number of years.

After China, the U.S. is the second largest polluter of greenhouse gases. The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement could disincent other countries to do their share to cut back on greenhouse emissions. The Vice President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Elliot Diringer stated, “Other governments and industries could say, if the U.S. is being less ambitious, why should we take on these extra costs?” If the U.S., a major contributor of pollution shirks from its responsibility, other countries could argue that they don’t need to contribute as much, thus lowering the overall target reduction over time.

From a geopolitical standpoint, the U.S. leadership void could make way for China to step in as the global leader in pollution reduction. This could further enhance their global leadership position. China has already voluntarily started to reduce gas emissions with the goal of meeting the Paris Climate Accord targets. Carolyn Bartholomew, the Chairwoman of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, commented “He’s just making it easier for them (China) by pulling the U.S. back from the position of global responsibility.”

What does the withdrawal mean for the environment? According to an MIT study, the impact to climate change would only reduce by about 1 degree Celsius by 2100. Even though this may seem insignificant, a few degrees can dramatically tip the Earth’s path towards critically dangerous global warming. There are already ample evidence of global warming from the effects on sea ice of Arctic, the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef to effects on wildlife and habitat around the globe. The Paris Agreement is a small step, but it’s a step in the right direction. As stewards of this planet, it’s incumbent upon us to protect and preserve the Earth.

The Paris Agreement aims to raise $100 billion a year through a mix of public and private sources to help finance developing countries’s transition to cleaner forms of energy. That means that the U.S. can generate new jobs in the clean energy sectors while helping other countries with knowhow to deploy solar, wind, and other renewable energy.

The impact of Trump’s recent move to exit the Paris Agreement has numerous environmental, economic and political implications. As kids, we want to inherit a cleaner planet to support sustainable life for humans, wildlife and habitat. It’s a responsibility that must be shared by all.



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