
The Hate U Give – Book Review

Starr Carter is sixteen years old. She lives in a poor, black neighborhood. She attends a white high school. Starr juggles two personality and separate lives.


When Khalil – unarmed and innocent – is shot by a white policeman, Starr’s two worlds shatter. As she scrambles to pick up the broken pieces of her life, she is faced with decisions to end friendships or betray the trust of her gang-ruled community.


She doesn’t understand why society portrays black people as thieves and dangerous. The Hate U Give shows Starr’s perspective as a witness. Her thoughts and stories show readers the hardship she and her family faces and her emotional battle after losing two best friends to police shootings.


Starr remembers her parents having a serious talk with her at age twelve – about police. They told her to follow the officer’s directions. Talk when spoken to. Put your hands up. No sudden movements. Don’t talk back. This is significant in the story because it shows how crucial advice is in a life or death situation. Most people are taught not to fear the police. But Starr is taught to respect and be mindful around police. This is a huge difference and it is highlighted by Starr’s inner dialogue. Khalil is unarmed. The officer pulls him over for a broken taillight. Khalil is surprised and openly questions the officer. The police officer turns his back to get something from his car and Khalil turns back to his car to ask Starr if she is okay. The officer misinterprets this movement and thinks Khalil is pulling out a gun. He immediately shoots Khalil once. Twice. Three times. Khalil falls to the ground, blood spilling onto the pavement. This shows how the police misinterpret the actions of people for no reason. Every life matters.


Regardless of race, religion, and social beliefs, every life matters.  Starr is shaken by Khalil’s death. She once vowed that if someone she knew was a victim of a racist crime, she would have the loudest voice. But now that she is the sole witness who alone knows what really happened that night, will Starr have the courage to fight for justice in Khalil’s name?  


The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas, brings a strong message to readers. The theme of this story is based on the Black Lives Matter movement. The theme of this story is that everyone is human and everyone deserves to live and be heard; regardless of race, religion, or gender. Starr demonstrates to readers that everyone has a backstory, a motivation, and a will to live. This book is much needed in today’s society. It brings a gigantic issue to mainstream audiences through this amazing book. Every life matters. Black lives matter.

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