
Violence and Games: How Violent Video Games Affect Kids

Everyone should have the freedom to play video with parental supervision until they are eighteen years old. Kids are easily influenced by violent media and games. Therefore, parents should supervise and censor games based on their child’s maturity and responsibility. For example, Benedict Carey queries, “What kind of values, behavioral skills, and social scripts is the child learning?” Young children easily imitate the actions they see in adults and media. “Children also imitate flesh and blood people in their lives, of course — parents, friends, teachers, siblings…” (Carey).  Violence is often mimicked from exposure to violent games and movies. “Watching unchecked aggression in real life, on film or in cartoons makes us more aggressive because it provides us with ‘social scripts’ to guide our behavior.” (Sohn). Playing violent games should be supervised by parents because of the dangers of influence from violent media. Drawing the line between reality vs fantasy. There are ramifications of realistically violent games. With technological advances, video games and TV are more graphic and life-like. “‘They’re symbolically hurting each other,’ she said, ‘and we have seen that the distinction between what’s real and what’s not can get fuzzy.’” (Allen). The author is pointing out the moral flaws of finding fun through fictional violence. Players are sucked into a mindset that violence is normal, potentially leading to homicidal shootings. “Not everyone can draw lines between fiction and reality.” (Kain). Children and teens are impressionable and may not fully understand right from wrong. With realistic video games, violent video games can fuel an urge for the player to do in real life. “The vast majority of people who play this sort of game—hopefully the adults who play it, and not impressionable children—see this experience as one of virtual, temporary, and entirely fantastical debauchery.” (Kain). Parents should step in and be aware of what games their child is playing. However, there are not only drawbacks to video games. Video games shouldn’t be banned, only monitored. They can help train motor skills, hone concentration, and teach kids about topics. For instance, games often improve and strengthen reading. “Because kids are interested in the game, they often end up reading at a level well above their grade, even if they say they don’t like to read.” (Sohn). Video games also benefit scientific discovery through adult players. “A new wave of games lets players with little or no scientific knowledge tackle some of science’s biggest problems.” (Mohammadi). Video games, when properly utilized are accurate tools for gathering data for experiments or solving global problems. Some people may argue that violent video games should be banned. However, video games can be harnessed to help people. In this day and age, technology is taking over our world. Children gain crucial experience with computers and coding through video games. “Kids who play computer games often end up knowing more about computers than their parents do.” (Sohn). Adult gamers can have fun while aiding scientific discoveries. “A new generation of online games helps scientists solve puzzles involving genes, conservation and the universe.” (Mohammadi). Scientists were struggling to identify the structure of a disease-causing enzyme. They created a game, Foldit, to help solve the problem. In less than a month, players of Foldit were able to find the solution to an obstacle that stumped scientists for years. Video games are helpful, beneficial, but can also negatively influence players. It is important to find a balance with video game consumption and make responsible choices.
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